Moses would have to go through a lot of "de-possessing" of himself of the gods small "g", if this is true that he was an Egyptian adept.

That would have taken years or decades. Once sanctified of spirits, he could have stood before Pharaoh and in the name of IAM THAT IAM, the infinitely powerful one true God, and commanded the rod into snakes, rivers into blood, death to the First Born of Egypt -- to gain freedom and free choice for the slaves.

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The truth is "There is a God and we are not Him".

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Interesting story. I recognize many parables, truth’s, symbols from this. Thanks for the share. For sure they lie about our real twistory vs. twistory they control & teach the proles. This poem/story is just another example & all part of the rebus puzzle.

Organized religions should be ashamed but they are not & the weak still give tithing’s to the system & clamor to the ultimate human hack & programming scam ever, religion. For the Love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Indus Valley Harappan Civilization created MINTS/GUILDS/NUMISTIC’s/COIN in the original Warrior Priest trade routes established whatever the real non bullshit date actually is. TPTSB don’t teach about that civilization for a reason.

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