Hello, congratulations on a much needed project. We linked to it in the latest issue of CanadianShareableNews: https://canadianshareablenews.substack.com/p/csn-week-6-may-6-vol-1-issue-7

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Renewable energies are older then fossil fuel.

technologies for the production and harvesting of free energies, have been existing and have been repressed for over a century.

Hydrogen is the easiest form of fuel we can produce, next to over unity generators which rely on magnets.

Note neodymium magnets are now hundreds of time more powerful than the older type of magnets used on older free energies and overunity generators.

Beside those, which are not made available for the open market, also electric generators used for wind and water electric power generation, are now hundreds of time more powerful and efficient than the older type.

Same for solar cells.

So yes we got the know how, the material and means to harness electrical power from thin air and we have been having it for hundreds of years already. “See Babylon torches”

Note also this, the first automobiles ever produced and sold, were electric.

And just to remind you, Till 1930s we also had flying ships.

So again, we do have the technology, the problem is that is being repressed.

Anyhow I agree with you on the fact that forcing the transition from fossil fuel before giving the alternative, is wrong, and such an imposition can not be classified in any other way then racketeering.

Human potentials are great, when humanity became as one, they become infinite.

Thank you for sharing


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I think that you should find these books go to the minute 1h 28' 18' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuj7-kimNlE

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