so maybe the animists ancestors are closer to the mark, that all matter has consciousness and is connected and can sometimes communicate...

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I suspected it was inevitable. My own philosophical theory is gradually being validated. In 1964, having just realised everything I had been taught to believe was a lie, I concluded that to discover core reality I must answer the question "What is life, and why".

It was then that, having glanced at the Big Bang Theory, I realised that the anointed physicists had examined the universe but failed to include LIFE as a fully representative entity of the universe. This seemed to be an extraordinarily stupid omission. They ignored Life altogether.

It then occurred to me that, as we humans had extended our physical powers with mechanisation, and were now extending our mental powers with computers, a clear pattern was emerging wherein one day we will be able to communicate mentally with computers and our mechanical and other technologies. Moreover, there was clearly the possibility that we might even merge with our own extensions.

Parallel with this hypothesis, I conjectured that the blueprint for this development must exist within every single cell on this planet, otherwise the entire process was mathematically impossible. I also subscribed to the mathematical logic of their being life scattered throughout the universe. Putting the two patterns together, it seemed to me that the inevitable evolution of life throughout the universe must have an integrated function within the universe because every other entity clearly also was endemically integrated.

I then hypothesised that ‘Life-function’ may be as the catalyst to precipitate another stage in, or expression of, the evolution of the universe itself; or to simply another manifestation. In which case the Big Bang Theory is nonsense and is merely a figment of giant egos and weak discipline.

I also discovered why this is so. It was the Rockefellers who were behind the push to adopt Alfred Binet's IQ tests to layer human organisation with intelligence streams, even though Binet protested that the tests could identify only degrees of mental retardation. "Intelligence" he said "is not linear and therefore cannot be measured". Intelligence develops globally, from the limited capacity and experience of the human embryo, to that of a newborn baby, and radiating out from this core knowledge and intuition through response to life experience, to our uniquely individual globe of knowledge.

Thus, a truly intelligent adult has broad experiences and sources of data from all directions of global development, ie fully balanced intelligence; and those whose learning is restricted to a few uni-directional sources (prodigies and idiot savants) and who are unable to communicate these ideas across the knowledge and communication thresholds. These are also our academics and scientists who propounded the silly Big Bang Theory and, no doubt, the concept of one world government modelled on medieval feudalism.

IQ tests were modeled in the intelligence profiles of the eugenicists/psychiartrists who, naturally placed their profiles at the top, and the much despised high productivity types in the mediochre middle; with the eventual outcome of the world being run by neurotic idiots.

I have often speculated that there must be other forms of ‘life communication’ and half a century of studying 12,000-year-old Australian Aboriginal Songline knowledge and Rom, confirmed this (ie the laws of Malk, Gurrutu, Madayin, which express the total and universal continuity of Yirritja and Dhuwa (their observation that every living thing, and all components of the universe, are governed by + and -, which 9 thousand years later the Chinese named as Yin and Yang). Aborigines recreated their entire philosophy, laws, social organisation, communication rules, and even marriages, in conformity to this. The Chinese philosophers realised this necessity too, but failed to implement; opposed by powerful elitism.

Aborigines also believe all elements of the universe communicate. They also believed that social harmony can only be the product of conforming to nature/the universe, which also includes government by consensus of all people.

What I am saying here is that every single element of this universe is integrated into a movement within and beyond time and dimensions, and that it has expression in all of its components, if only we have the objectivity and discipline to see.

I celebrate the mind of Luc Montagnier, who discovered the universal language. “Big Bang” is great, but only as a TV show. Thanks, Matt.

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Well...i tried but mostly over my head,however; I did pick up on "order over chaos" and i felt better.

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