So appreciate what I am learning from your work. There is a very famous slave that was favoured by his owner during the launch of the British exploratory ships. His "owner" educated this slave and the problem of carrying huge amounts of fresh water was a problem this slave solved by inventing distillation. Burning of a few logs through his distillation machine changed everything. They lost less of their crew and had far more room to carry cargo. I wish I could remember who this was but the story is incredibly interesting. Eventually he was freed and wrote a book on his life. If I find it I will send that info on.

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Wonderful article! I was raised in the coal mining town of Bluefield W.V.A one block from where Nash lived. I didn't know who he was at the time, and only found out ten years ago after visiting this deteriorating, sad town in the sacrifice zone. That said, I see clearly why the theory is twisted due to the fact that everything we have been educated to believe was twisted purposely. Our so-called scientific method is the same. Have you noticed that the critics of the covid jab never mention the fact that the virus has never been proven to exist at all. They have a voice even after being de-platformed on social media and publish books critical of the player involved but never mention this fact at all. The truth is you cannot be allowed to do this unless they say so. They appear to be champions of truth, and in many ways, they are with the exception of saying what the elephant in the room, and that is the fact that the virus has not been proven to exist at all. Computer models only, no actual electron microscopic proof at all. This is why I depend on you and the Larouche Organization, and the Schiller Institute for the actual reality. If you know that someone telling you what you want to hear is allowed to publish, and have a program, and does not complete the story, then it is time to question their motives. Thank you for all you have done to bring the horror of the actual reality to light, Jack.

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