
What "The Black Slavics" presents are the songs of these Africans and their descendants settled in Russia. The laws of the Tsar forbade them to sing in their own language and to sing sing their own religious music which seemed too rhythmic for the Orthodox Church’s liking.

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I agree with you, and about the Chinese, Japanese Jomon culture, and Polinesian contacts in Meso-America and South America there are plenty examples about it, In the private Museum in Lima of

Mr. Yoshitaro Amano in 1971 I did see that between his Mochica huacos we did (jars)https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=q2-08ezhnTY see the perfect portrait of a Chinese, an African and a Caucasian one. in the Emerald Coast Ecuador they found rests of a Jomon

culture, as in Perù https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/665111313/autentica-talla-de-piedra-chavin?show_sold_out_detail=1&ref=nla_listing_details https://www.alamy.es/foto-vasija-de-ceramica-de-la-cultura-chavin-peru-900-a-c-y-el-200-a-c-52420548.html?imageid=CE212337-5862-421A-B2F1-C9F480EB3C9D&p=73026&pn=1&searchId=4f6794e248f989798c079a8855cee79f&searchtype=0

As the oldest cloth found in Perù on the coast in Huacaprieta, around 3.000 BC, was a hybrid between

local cotton plant and Hindi cotton?

You always can go to Paul Rivet a French ethnologist (his own museum in Paris) to explore the contacts between Polinesia and the Coast of America, by the way, confirmed by a recent DNA study of the people of Chiloè,

So the navigational prowess of Chinese cannot be doubted, they are also proof of these contacts

in Meso America.

I hope that I didn't bore you, your Spanish and also South American follower

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