Thanks, will read and listen, but if I get the gist of it--- Hmmm so the evil Anglo-American empire created the myth of Holodomor in Ukraine out of a naturally occurring famine to make the Russians/Soviets look bad, when the British actually perpetrated a real mass killing in Ireland, and called it a tragic but naturally occurring famine..... ??

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Here's the thing. Find a copy of Naomi Klein's book "The Shock Doctrine: The rise of disaster capitalism" (2007) . . . read Klein's Conclusion from page 533 on: "SHOCK WEARS OFF: The rise of people's reconstruction"! There. Latin America proved (beyond doubt) that we can push back globalists. To take back what's left of our freedom. There's hope.

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Who said there wasn't any hope?

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This young man did. French intellectual Rémi Tell said most French people despaired due to the covid fraud and had used many antidepressants to get by.

If you are fluent in French, here's a video to watch:


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